Hi! I’m Alfonso Lin 🦴

I’m a Mechanical Engineering student at Chaio Tung University in Taiwan. I’m interested in robotics and programming, being able to build a robot from zero to one is the best thing in my life. Hoping to learn more about these fields and make some friends here in the future. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me.

Catalog of the notes (Click me)


In Progress

  • I’m going to be an international exchange student at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden for one year from 2024.7 to 2025.7.
  • I’m developing the software layer of a quadruped robot dog based on my senior’s hardware development as my independent study.


  • I was an intern working at Mechanical and Mechatronics Systems Lab of ITRI during the second half of 2023.
  • I developed an autonomous robot for TDK competition with Itron team members.

Fun Facts

  • I enjoy practicing archery very much, it helps me to stay focus and relax. Also, I make a lot of friends in the archery school team.
  • I’m a amatuer photographer, taking photos makes me feel present and connected.
  • I hate clams, however I found some clam soup in stir-fry restaurant tastes good.
