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Instruction :

  1. what is addiction? How will addiction affect our behavior? Feel relax happy excited 
  2. how we become addited to smartphones? Games and social media 
  3. technology has already become a part of our life, find a balance between the internet world and the reality is an important issue for modern people…

Content : 

In our daily life, there are many things that can bring positive emotion to us. For example, when we are drunk, alcohol make us feel relax; when playing a fierce video game or watching a fiction movie, we may feel excited. They are benefit to our mental, but if someone stick to them and is going to acquire them at any cost, they turn into the causes of addiction. 

Nowadays, almost everyone has their own smartphone, it is so convenient that with only one finger and a single touch, we can access to the Internet world. With the ease of use and interesting content, a lot of people become addict to the smartphone, steering at the small and bright monitor for hours without rest. Once a person addict to the smartphone, he will do nothing but scroll over and over, the daily schedule is postponed and even the meal is skipped. 

Smartphone technology has already become a part of our life, finding a balance between the internet world and the reality is an important issue for modern people. When using properly, it would be a great tool for learning and entertainment, and on the other hand, when we rely on and stick to it too much, the addiction may ruin our life.

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