eng& toefl


Think of one global environmental problem—for example, it could be related to water, air, land, climate, biodiversity, energy, or something similar. Then explain what you think would be an effective solution to this problem.


Online judge - 3


The enviromental problem has generated much discussion in recent years. Personally speaking, I believe that the root problem is the overused of the natural resources. While human foucsing on developing technology, economic, and the quality of life, we destory the forests, wetlands, building the factories, houses on them. They then lose the function to alleviate the global warming and air pollution. As a result many extreme climates occur, and bring the disasters to human. I agree with both students, and their solutions to the problem are also make sense. However, I think these method are the only temprary solution. To solve the problem in the long term development, I suggest that the government should set up the laws to protect the natural enviroment, prevent the overused of the nautral resources.



The environmental problem, stemming from excessive natural resource use, has ignited debates. As human endeavors for technological, economic, and lifestyle advancements persist, ecosystems like forests and wetlands suffer, losing their capacity to counteract global warming and air pollution. This results in severe climatic events and disasters. While I concur with the students and their sensible solutions, I perceive them as short-term remedies. For sustained resolution, I propose government intervention through the establishment of laws safeguarding the environment and curbing resource overuse. In essence, prioritizing long-term environmental protection is essential amid the ongoing discourse on environmental challenges.