eng& toefl


Some students say their gap year was beneficial, while others regret having taken one. In your opinion, does taking a gap year create more advantages or disadvantages for students? Why?


Online judge - 4


Personally speaking, the high school life was filled of exams and homework, and this is the time that student finally have an opportunity to take a break explore the world.

Claire mentions an impotant point that the gap year will make the students can’t afford the tuition, however, beside the financial support from family, there are many other ways to earn money, such as part-time job or the subsidy from government. If I have a chance to take a gap year, I will definetly take it.

After all, life after colledge is really busy, and there is no much opportunity like this to take a break.


High school life is typically filled with exams and homework, making it challenging for students to explore the world. Claire raises a crucial point about the financial aspect of a gap year, expressing concern that some students may struggle to afford tuition. However, in addition to family support, there are alternative means of financial assistance, such as part-time jobs or government subsidies. If given the opportunity, I would certainly take a gap year.

Considering the hectic nature of post-college life, such opportunities for a break are rare. Therefore, a gap year can provide valuable experiences and perspectives that contribute to personal growth. In conclusion, while financial considerations are significant, the potential benefits of a gap year make it a worthwhile option for many students.