eng& toefl


Which approach do you think is better: Giving grades based only on performance, or grading students not just on performance but also their effort?


Online judge - 2


Kelly mentions that the grades should not be judged base on the effort, but solely base the final result. Although it is a relative fair approach, I think teacher should take how much effort the student paid into consideration when grading. After all, the purpose of education is to help student to learn knowledge and improve themselves in certain expertise. The score is only used to evaluate the student’s performance, and it is not the ultimate goal. It is reasonable to take the effort into consideration, because work hard is also an important part of learning. Besides, giving the extra points to the student who work hard will encourage them to be more enthusiastic toward the lesson, and won’t depressed by the score.



Kelly suggests that grades should not be solely based on effort but rather on the final result. While this is a relatively fair approach, I believe teachers should consider the effort students invest when assigning grades. The primary goal of education is to facilitate learning and personal improvement in specific areas of expertise. Grades serve as a means to assess a student’s performance, but they are not the ultimate objective. Taking effort into account is reasonable because hard work is an integral aspect of the learning process. Moreover, rewarding students who put in extra effort encourages enthusiasm for the subject and prevents them from feeling discouraged by their scores. In summary, a balanced evaluation, considering both results and effort, contributes to a more comprehensive and motivating learning environment.