eng& toefl


Twenty years in the future, will people have more leisure time (free time) and less work than have today? Why, or why not?


Online judge - 8


The issue about the working time of the future people is really interesting. Claire raises a crucial point that as the technology improved, the society has becomed wealthier, people won’t need to work as long as they did before. Personally speaking, I think this trend will become even more popular in the near future, with the help of robot and artificial intelligience, people can finish their work with highier efficiency, quality and shorter duration. As the society become more wealthier, people cn worry less about the fundamental aspect of life, and turn to purse the quality of life.

In a nutshell, I think the rapid development of technology will help people to reduce their working duration.



The issue regarding the future working hours is truly interesting. Claire raises a crucial point that with technological advancements and increased societal wealth, people won’t need to work as long as they did before. Personally, I believe this trend will become even more prevalent in the near future. With the assistance of robots and artificial intelligence, people can complete their work with higher efficiency, improved quality, and in a shorter duration. As society becomes wealthier, individuals can worry less about the fundamental aspects of life and focus on enhancing their overall quality of life.

In a nutshell, I believe the rapid development of technology will help people reduce their working hours.