eng& toefl


Let’s focus now on two proposals that governments can consider as they try to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from cars. One proposal is to improve and expand public transportation. The other is to provide financial support to companies that make electric cars and to consumers who buy them. Which proposal do you think is better? Why?


Online judge - 9


Both two methods can help reducing the pollution results from the emission of carbon dioxide. Paul raises a crucial point that the electric is the long term solution because the public transportation has the limit range of the destination. I agree with Paul that people indeed need their own vechile to go where they want, and personally, I think the public transportation is more suitable for the daily commuting. Take my personal experience for example, when I take bus to go to school every morning, it always crowdy and busy, and sometimes delayed. For those who want to go on vacation, the tansportation seems to be unconvenient.

Therefor providing the finicial support for buying the electrical car is the long term solution for the carbon dioxide pollution.


Both methods can help reduce pollution resulting from carbon dioxide emissions. Paul raises a crucial point that electric vehicles are a long-term solution because public transportation has limitations regarding destination range. I agree with Paul; people do need their own vehicles for personal flexibility. Personally, I think public transportation is more suitable for daily commuting. Taking my personal experience as an example, when I take the bus to school every morning, it is often crowded, busy, and sometimes delayed. For those wanting to go on vacation, transportation can be inconvenient.

Therefore, providing financial support for buying electric cars is a long-term solution to carbon dioxide pollution.