eng& toefl

Topic :

The reason of sea otters decline in population.

Instruction :

Content : 

The author of the passage believed that chemical pollution is the main cause of the sea otters to decline, while the professor in the lecture holds the counter view that the main cause is the predation. 

First, the author states that there are many pollution sources along the shore, such as oil rigs and chemical factories. However, the professor argues that there was no dead sea otters had been found on the shore, and it was more likely that the otters were hunt by the predators, hence we couldn’t find any dead body. Second, the author doubt on the predation hypothesis by stating that not only the otter was declining, but there were also other mammals was endangered, and the pollution hypothesis is better in explain this phenomenon, because the pollution will not choose the target but affect the entire ecosystem in the area. The author contradicts the idea by indicating that the predator orca, has changed its diet, due to the decline of the whale, which is its original food, and now start to hunt otter. Third, to explain the uneven decline rate in different area, the author states the reason is that the pollution concentrates greatly in certain area because of some environment factors, such as ocean current. On the other hand, the professor explain the phenomenon by the habit of orca. Because orcas wouldn’t hunt at the location that is not accessible, therefor the decline rate of otter in the shallow and rocky environment will be relatively small compared to other locations. 

In conclusion, the author supports the pollution hypothesis using the example of the pollution source, the decline of many species and the nature factors associated with the uneven decline rate in different areas. The professor support the predation hypothesis, she disagrees the reading passage by stating that some phenomenon can be explain by the orca ‘s diet and habit, and the most important, none any dead otter was found.



The author of the passage believed that chemical pollution is the main cause of the decline in sea otters, while the professor in the lecture holds the opposing view that predation is the main cause.

First, the reading states that the pollution could cause the deaths of sea otters. However, the professor argues that no dead sea otters have been found on the shore, and it is more likely that the otters were hunted by predators.

Second, the author believes that the pollution hypothesis is a better explanation for the decline of sea otter population because pollution affects the entire ecosystem in the area while orcas only hunt much larger prey, such as whales. The lecturer contradicts the idea by indicating that the predator orca has started hunting smaller prey, such as otters, seals, and sea lions because there are fewer whales, which are orca’s preferred prey.

Third, the reading indicates the uneven concentration of pollutants caused by environmental factors or ocean currents resulted in the uneven decline rate of otters in different areas. This view again seems consistent with the pollution theory. However, the uneven pattern of sea otter decline can be explained by the fact that if the locations where sea otters live are not accessible to orcas, the otter population in such location remains steady whereas the accessible areas experience decline.


The author of the passage posits that chemical pollution is the primary factor contributing to the decline of sea otters, while the professor in the lecture presents a contrasting view, asserting that predation is the main cause.

Firstly, the author asserts the existence of pollution sources along the shore, such as oil rigs and chemical factories. However, the professor contends that no dead sea otters have been found on the shore. According to the professor, it is more plausible that the otters are hunted by predators, making it difficult to find their dead bodies.

The author casts doubt on the predation hypothesis by claiming that not only sea otters are declining, but other mammals are also endangered. The author argues that pollution is a better explanation for this phenomenon, as it affects the entire ecosystem without selectively targeting a particular species. However, the professor contradicts this idea by pointing out that the predator orca has adapted its diet due to the decline of its original food source, the whale, and has now turned to hunting otters.

To explain the uneven decline rate in different areas, the author attributes it to the concentration of pollution in specific regions influenced by environmental factors, such as ocean currents. Conversely, the professor attributes the phenomenon to the habits of orcas, stating that they avoid hunting in locations that are not easily accessible. Therefore, the decline rate of otters in shallow and rocky environments will be relatively smaller compared to other locations.

In conclusion, while the author supports the pollution hypothesis based on examples of pollution sources, the decline of multiple species, and environmental factors contributing to uneven decline rates, the professor advocates for the predation hypothesis. The professor disputes the reading passage by emphasizing the orca’s diet and hunting habits, and most importantly, the absence of any discovered dead otters.