eng& toefl

Integrated Writing

Structure - 1

The passage and the lecture are about …
The author states that …, whereas the lecturer casts doubt on it [based on … / for the following reasons].

First, the author of the passage points out that …
However, the lecturer refutes this point by claiming that …

Second, the author of the passage states that …
Conversely, the lecturer argues that …

Lastly, the author of the passage claims that …
In contrast, the lecturer posits that …

In conclusion, based on the evidence provided above, it can be clearly seen that stances on both sides are paradoxial.

Structure - 2 (Focus on the lecture)

The lecture explains why … / provides … Here are the following reasons.

First of all / To begin with, …, … This directly refutes the reading passage which states that …

Secondly, …, … Again, this contradicts what is stated in the reading which states that …

Thirdly, …, …

All in all, … / In conclusion, …


  • 此草稿僅初步訂定每段用哪些動詞和轉折詞, 減少思考時間, 若有當下有更符合的詞彙再替換
  • Supporting details 可以另外補充
    • He believes that …
    • This implies that …
    • He attributes the reason for … to …
    • As a result, …


  • state
  • point out
  • posit
  • claim
  • refute
  • argue
  • assert
  • contend
  • believe
  • suggest
  • cast doubt on
  • attribute the reason for … to …
  • based on
  • by emphasizing that
  • by pointing out that
  • by arguing that
  • by asserting that

Academic Writing