eng & toefl

Integrated Writing


  • 3 min for reading, 20 min for writing
  • 先閱讀一篇文章(4~6段),再聽一段錄音,要寫一篇比較文章和演講的內容。
  • 280 ~ 300字


  • 論證 : 閱讀內容提出三點論述,錄音提出三點反駁

    e.g. “Explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage”

  • 提問回應 : 閱讀內容提出三點疑問,錄音提出三點回應,

    e.g “Explain how they answer the specific problems presented in the reading passage”

  • 說明質疑 : 閱讀內容提出三種不同的觀點。錄音提出質疑

    e.g. “Explain how they cast doubt on specific solutions presented in the reading passage”


  • Introduction : 說明不需要太長,點出錄音的論點如何反駁段落的要旨

    e.g.-1 The professor talks about… He counters the ideas presented in the passage by stating…

    e.g.-2 In the lecture, the professor made several points about … the professor argues that … However, the reading passage contends that … Conversely, the professor holds the view that …

  • Body : 按照筆記順序分別在三段指出相互對立的論點,不要直接把閱讀或錄音的原句複製到寫作內容中,要自己改寫,並且加上自己的觀點

    e.g.-1 First, the author of the reading passage believes that… However, the professor in the lecture opposes this idea by stating that…

    e.g.-2 Firstly, the professor states … which also indicates that … This counters what the passage indicates … Secondly, the professor holds that … Contrary to this view, the passage argues …

    e.g.-3 The first point that the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading is that… The professor argues that … , namely, … In other words, … nevertheless, this idea directly contradicts what the passage indicates that is …

    The second point the professor uses to cast doubt on the passage is that … However, the passage states that … , which is in sharp contrasts to the lecture.

    Finally, the professor stated that … , differing from the statement of the passage. In other words … This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates, because …

  • Conclusion : 重述大概的要點,不要加入body paragraph沒有討論的觀點

    e.g.-1 In conclusion, the professor clearly identifies the weaknesses in the reading passage… He claims that … , whereas the reading materials make point that …

Taking notes

  • 記下討論主題以及雙方對應的三個論點
  • 閱讀的部份記關鍵字就好, 作答時還看得到文章
  • 聽力正在播放時, 盡量詳細記下關鍵字, 播完後再補上一些細節

Time allocation

  • 3 min for introduction
  • 5 ~ 10 min for body
  • 2 ~ 3 min for conclusion
  • 1 ~ 2 min for double check

Academic Writing


  • 10 min for writing
  • 寫出對於教授問題的看法,並回應其他同學的意見,提出新的意見
    • Build on the idea that have been mentioned
    • Decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement
    • Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion
  • 150 ~ 200字

Structure - 1

  • Response to classmate and State your opnion (2 sentences)

    e.g.-1 … mentions … However, I personally believe that … because … e.g.-2 … mentions … I agree with this idea, but I would like to add that … e.g.-3 While I agree with … about … , I would like to add that … e.g.-4 Thought … has a good point that …, another key factor to consider is …

  • Supporting details (2 ~ 3 sentences)

  • Example (2 ~ 3 sentences)

  • Conclusion (1 sentence )

    e.g. Hence, …

Structure - 2

  • General statement (1 sentence)

    Everyone has different opinions about … Nowadays, most people agree that … Recently, there has been a debate as to … The topic of … has generated much disdcussion in recent years.

  • State your opnion with supporting details (2 ~ 3 sentences)

    Personally, I believe that … For example, … My personal belief is that … For instance, … Personally speaking, … , …

  • Acknowledge the point of view of others, explain why you disagree/agree with them

    I understand … concern over …, but I believe he misses another critical point. … I totally agree with … point about …, and I would like to add that … However, I have to admit that … makes a good point. …

  • Conclusion (1 sentence )

    …(reason), which is why I believe that …(point)

Time allocation

  • 2 min for reading
  • 7 min for writing
  • 1 min for double check

Remind regrading the writing


  • Using unfamiliar words
  • Including outside information
  • Copying what was stated
  • Leave without double check
  • Mixing up verb tenses



Personal Choice15 sec to prepare
45 sec to speak
1. Agree or disagree with the statement.
2.Answer with two points and given the reason to support it.
Campus Annocument45 ~ 50 sec to read
1 ~ 1.5 min to listen
30 sec to prepare
60 sec to speak
1. The listening involves two students making their points.
2. Briefly summarize the reading, and the rest summarize the conversation
General to Specific45 ~ 50 sec to read
1 ~ 1.5 min to listen
30 sec to prepare
60 sec to speak
1. 閱讀: 專有名詞, 概念
2. 聽力: 教授舉例說明
Academic Lecture1 ~ 2 min to listen
20 sec to prepare
60 sec to speak
1. Listen and summarize


  • Q1, Personal Choice

    Reason 1, 2
    One word for each reason

  • Q2, Campus Announcement

    Changes  | +/- (Agree/Disagree)
    -------- + --------- 
    Reason 1 | Reason 1
    Reason 2 | Reason 2
  • Q3, General to Specific

    Reading Topic  | Listening Topic
    -------------- + ---------
    Definition     | 
    Detail 1       | Example 1
    Detial 2       | Example 2
  • Q4, Academic Lecture

    Example 1
    Example 2


  • Q1, Personal Choice

    I [agree/disagree] with the statement that … for two reasons.

    To begin with, … . For example, … .

    In addition, … . For instance, … .

    (This is why I feel this way.)

  • Q2, Campus Announcement

    The campus annocument mentions that … . The letter that the student wrote mentions that … .

    The man/woman in the conversation, however, disagrees with this idea. He/She thinks that … .

    First of all, he/she points out that … .

    Secondly, he/she mentions that … .

    (This is why he/she feel this way.)

  • Q3, General to Specific

    The reading passage discusses the concept of … . It talks about … .

    The professor in the listening gives an example. He/She talks about … .

    (This example clearly illustrates the idea of … .)

  • Q4, Academic Lecture

    The lecture discusses … .

    First, he/she mentions that … . The first … .

    Besides that, … . The other … .

    (These are the two … provided in the lecture.)

  • Reference